If you are an individual who

Believes you’re not good enough... Dr. Fred has a solution, The Shame Solution.
Needs inspiration... Check out Dr. Fred’s memoir, A Fair Piece.
Needing hope... You’re in the right place! Everybody has a path. Dr. Fred can help you find yours.

If you are a counselor / clinician who is

Thinking of starting a private practice... Dr. Fred offers business consultation
Struggling with a client... Dr. Fred offers case consultation

Who is Dr. Fred?

Dr. Fred Capps is an author, master counselor and supervisor, and consultant in Corpus Christi, Texas. His specializes in treating addictions, couples’ issues, grief, and trauma. He offers consultation and supervision for counselors and clinicians seeking guidance in private practice matters.

Find out more

Starr Mitchell Photography

Escape the Shame Jungle!

Have you ever felt unlovable, unworthy, or just not good enough? This unique and life-changing book will prove those ideas are shame-based nonsense. You will find a new way of thinking and feeling that will lead you to peace and happiness beyond anything you have imagined.

Find out more



Published The Shame Solution: Your Guide to Self-Discovery. You’re Better Than You Think You Are.

Soon to be published: A Fair Piece: From Disaster to Doctor

In process: The EXACT Solution, The Couples’ Solution, The Spiritual Solution


Case consultation for complex issues

Treatment planning to maximize successful outcomes

Business consultation for private practitioners


Ad hoc supervision for counselors

Confidential feedback for clinicians in private practice

Assistance with ethical dilemmas